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Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- a handful of Answer's ---- the AeroShell mentioned is ONLY for the break in.--- (SAE 30) --65 NOT W65. --- after about 500 or 1000 miles it will be drained and it is back to
AeroShell W 120.
How much ParoWax in fuel ?-----NO simple answer ----BUT I can say that it goes from a thimble to 450 gram's to a tank in a Rabbit.--in Fraulein Bunny Bondo ? minimum 2 thimbles ----there is NO maximum.---Diesels ALL diesels love Paraffin 's in any form.
It is high Cetane number ----in WINTER it is tricky.

hagar knows of nothing better than WAX for finding condition of Rabbit Bosch I P's ---yes troubleshooting.


PS : so now I am a Hillbilly-Cabron ?----not bad ,not bad--EH ?
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Post by 82vdub »

Do you see any issues with taking a 300K+ mile car that's never been rebuilt and switching to use the Aeroshell 120W? I'm talking oil leaks or other issues. Also would be interested in knowing more on the parowax you use. I've been unable to find any info on this substance at all.
Everybody else lists their cars here - but not me.

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Post by coke »

parowax = Paraffin Wax, same crap alot of people use to make fudge and whatnot with, you can find it in the baking section of the grocery store.
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Post by 82vdub »

I was not finding any liquid paraffin wax - that's probably part of my problem. Am I correct in assuming that the solid paraffin wax (or bakers wax) will dissolve in the fuel? I'm reluctant to add solids to my fuel tank without knowing the real results of what's going to happen after I add it.
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Post by lyeinyoureye »

AFAIK, yes, you are correct. It tends to drop out as the temp drops, so it's more of a summer thing for some.
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Post by sherpafish »

82vdub, you really should read this ENTIRE thread... its so much more than just a "how to". Seriously, think of it as recreational reading.

In fact half of Hagar's hillbilly philosophy (and please correct me if I'm wrong, Hagar) is that he won't give away answers friviously, he's trying to get you to do the homework yourself so that fully understand what and why you're doing things; So you too can experience that EUREKA moment.

That being said, here's the wax technique sumerized as I understand it.

Hagar dissolves various amounts of pariffin in diesel before adding it to the tank. The point is to raise the viscosity of the fuel and increase the lubrication of the fuel pump. He experimented with dissolving varying amounts into a litre of fuel and then checked the 'cloud point' or when the wax starts to gel by putting the samples in the refrigerator. I belive he settled on about 2ounces of wax per tank-full, but it varies widely between cars. I think the point is that, temperature aside, you could run a diesel on pure wax and it would be happy- wax is just too thick at normal temperatures to do that with.
1989 Wolfsburg edition Jetta turbo diesel coupe
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Post by 82vdub »

Thanks, and unfortunately, I have not had the chance to read the entire thread. I've gotten partially through it, but since I can't read the entire thread in one sitting, by the time I get back to it I'm kind of starting over as to where the thought was and had been heading in the previous posts. I am trying to gather more information on this topic, that is why I was asking questions on it.
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- that sherpafish has a good handle on what hagar is about.

EUREKA , one after another at hagar's ---so why not at your place ? EH ?

The paraffin wax and epoxy ---is original hagar. ---goes back many many years before Rabbit diesels.

Like sherpafish said , and he is right ---more than anything hagar want's --ALL you girl's and boy's ---to EXPERIMENT ---and read and read and read some more.

By the way I near fell off the stool laughing when coke poured 100% Wax in his tank --and plugged up the fillerneck -----I never saw that one coming------bet he learned real fast.

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Post by FineFrank »

I belive he settled on about 2ounces of wax per tank-full, but it varies widely between cars.
Exactly. I'm using a pound (454grams) per ten gallons, and it works great. First time I tried it I thought the car ran better, and I (also) thought it was in my head, but no more. I'm pretty sure it runs better now. It was a nice side benefit to lubricating the pump.
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : some hint's about the way hagar manages his WAX supply.

I do not buy ParoWax (known here as CANNING wax) in canning season or close to Dec 24.
When did hagar first use Paraffin Wax ? ----1940 to 1945 as a erzat's gum we could not get wriglis ---makes a fine substitute for chewing gum.(NO SUGAR)

Parowax is simply a trade mark (started by ESSO) SO ? what is hagar up to in 2007 ? this next test is WAX in the lube oil ---- Highly refined paraffin wax is a very useful substance. -----shelf life ? IMHO infinite. Parowax price here today ? at walleymart 450 gram $ 5.22 at grocery store next door to walley $ 3.89 Kanadian.----Walley keep advertising we sell for less ----oh yeah ? ----DO NOT TRUST Walley --that is my advice.


PS : when shaving a block I used Vaseline to seal pistons and ring's in the past ---NO more now it is WAX poured on top of all 4 pistons , say about 0.25 Amerikan Inch.---way way faster than Vaseline.
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : coke --shame on you --- "CRAP" ? --EH ? try and tell that to a girl or boy who got an extra two years out of a Bosch 107A I P .-------if WAX is crap ? then crap is in at hagar's

IT is a EUREKA product IMHO.

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Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- ok so hagar flunked English in style --BUT he is sure getting better every day.

My new favorite saying is "dumb as a bag of hammer's" ---- that word got a real workout today.
Amerikan C-SPAN weekend.-----those people got to regulate Energy and Consumer protection ?
I grew up in Danmark with the Hans Christian Andersen's ---incredible insight ----and yes some rubbed off.--- Kejserens's nye klæder or The Emporers new clothes. ----what a MASTERPIECE ---- IMHO EH ?--(I am the little boy) ---and that is partly what made me .

I just looked at the Aviation Oil Wax mixture ----outstanding success..--Why do this ? Andrew in Flagstaff AZ mentioned that Fraulein Bunny Bondo's -- I S bearing's may be flaking ----and hagar listens. --to keep her skylarking an increase in viscosity may be in order . If so hagar is ready.


PS : does hagar believe in FUSION ? ---including COLD fusion ? ---YES .

oh yes I do believe in confusion.
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Post by bwv »

One way to melt the wax is to use a double boiler (a small pot with the wax in it, immersed halfway in a larger pot filled with boiling water) on top of your stove. Then you can pour the melted wax directly into a container of diesel and use it immediately. You can also put pieces of wax into a container of diesel and let it sit in the sun, and it will dissolve rather rapidly. As far as quantity of wax, everyone has different experiences, but I have used as much as 32 ounces per 14 gallon fill-up with a definite increase in mileage and overall performance; from what I can tell there is no additional benefit in terms of mileage after 20 ounces.


Aside from wax (which I buy in bulk from a place in Pennsylvania) you can use aeroshell, or just regular non-detergent SAE30 motor oil. I have recently experimented with canola oil and vegetable oil and had similar results. With canola I actually have approached 53mpg, doing 55 on a fairly consistent basis and mostly highway driving. Aeroshell is denser, so you need less than you would with a regular motor oil. I am not sure that the price justifies the use, especially when you can get a quart of straight SAE30 non detergent at Walmart for about $1.40 or so. You can also use mineral oil (the stuff people ingest for various gastrointestinal ailments) but that is quite expensive, unless you know a vet and can get it at cost.

The point is that by adding these substances we are increasing lubricity and thickening the fuel slightly. I am no expert on these matters, but as far as I can tell all of Hagar's observations on this issue are correct; he first introduced the topic of paraffin wax months ago and I have been experimenting since then with various combinations and amounts. The bottom line is that with wax, motor oil, Aeroshell, canola, Crisco, vaseline, you are merely adding a less refined form of diesel fuel to your diesel fuel.

One thing to keep in mind is the degree to which you are increasing internal pump pressure by adding these substances -- another topic that has been discussed at length on these boards. In theory, with too much pressure you run the risk of blowing your pump seals, but as far as I know this proposition has never been tested and the possibility of harming your pump in this manner is as yet undemonstrated.
__1986 [A2] Golf 1.6L, 170,000_____1988 F250, 7.3 Navistar, 197k_____1984 Ford 1510 diesel, 2222 hours
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : ----WHY does hagar use EPOXY on Engine block's and some Cylinder heads ?

Because it Work's --to beat the band. How did I find out ? by experimenting. and analyzing why light duty diesels had so many problem's with head gaskets ---in the HIGH sulfur times

The EPOXY ..stops corrosive gasses from sneaking in under the gaskets. and eating away at block and head.
When I did the first one (V8) I looked at the Epoxy and --yeah OK lets try it and I did.
Let the next guy worry about removing head next time -- you guessed it (Me) ---it popped right off------then I found that it had worked PERFECT..---EUREKA. -EH ?

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Post by sherpafish »

What kind of epoxy worked for you, Hagar? I'm a ski tech so I've used various kinds for repair jobs... I generaly find the slower drying types can get brittle and flake with vibration (or bending/deflection in the case of skis)- the quick dry 5-minute set up stuff actually seems to have better durability, but less working time.

Did you colour the epoxy?
1989 Wolfsburg edition Jetta turbo diesel coupe
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