Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : " Hillbilly-TUNING " , notice TUNING in capital letters EH ?.

Will good timing not do ? , NO , NO and NO.

we are dealing with Rabbits 1977 to 1984 --- SO ? your Rabbit , may have been married say 10 times ? --thems are NO virgins EH ?.
No problemo for a DIY like hagar (the optimist) ----the Amerkan red blooded hot DIY automotive generation --- that I was exposed to in 1953 ---- in TEXAS USA , can do anything----yes that spirit was contagious and I caught it , and I never looked back .

Diesel Freak
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3 days...

Post by nicknack2 »

Hagar, it took me 3 days to deside on this, I didn't know how to tell you that I have a 85 Jetta.... I just hope this does not "blackball" me since I do not own a Rabbit...I made a huge mistake about ayear ago, there was a guy here locally (Nogales, AZ) that had a Brown in color Rabbit and it was for sell, he wanted $300 for it and I passed on the deal I was scare to get in to that deal, little I knew a year later I bought the Jetta TD...
Im just hoping I don't get "Blackballed" :cry:
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : nicknack2 RELAX -----hagar does not blacklist or blackball or redicule --anybody --never no how , no way.---no matter what.

Jack is headmaster and coke and Fatmobile are the enforsers

Keep reading the forums -------and super Smileage is at the end of the TUNNEL.

Diesel Freak
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Location: Rio Rico, AZ (Nogales, AZ)

Thanks Hagar

Post by nicknack2 »

Thanks hagar, Im ready now for Hillbilly TUNING, yesterday I removed the turbo and the intake from the back of the engine, I was not able to remove the exhaust header, seems like my 13MM wrench/sockets (even the 1/4 drive) is too big for the bottom part of the header, after removing those parts Im starting to think that I did not need a rebuilt, I don't see lots of oil in the intake, but engine did smoked alot and I could see blowby blowing from the valve cover breather :cry: ...
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : ahhhh " TUNING" a Rabbit.----us flyboys say WE would rather FLY than eat ----(now at 100 a barrel --your wish has come through).

Well hagar would rather TUNE than anything, SO ? I write and write and write -----but someone keep moving the goal-post.

FAQ : why is hagar called a "Hillbilly" ?.

A : that is one of my favorite parts of the SAGA.

I shall keep you guys in suspense ---EH ? it was coined by our Friend Chris in Tyler TEXAS Amerika.-----little did he know who he was trying to ridicule.----Chris shake hands if you read this , I took no offense.-----actually HE was an asset to Dan's forum.-----a bar or two of soap in the mouth might have worked.--EH ?

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : it was a dark and stormy night ---(and it was) ---but a glorious SUNNY day at the "Lagoon". Fraulein Bunny Bondo absolutely puuuurrred.---- Lagoon ? that is turn around for TUNING runs ---- hagar is proud as a peacock.

WHY ? so many Lagoon runs ?-----glad you asked ------part of the answer is scenery --- just imagine the legs of Megyn Kelly of FOX , the front end of Pamela Andersen and a 3 foot BLONDE pony tail swishing , back and forth , front end NO BRA -----high stepping it by hagars at 101 ---worlds best Rabbit Highway IMHO ----SO ? what is hagar to do ??? ---yes a Lagoon run.

That BLONDE turned out to be a World Class runner.----did she have a WINNING personality ? --are you kidding----?

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- "Hillbilly-TUNING". ---(not simpleminded).

The most misunderstood part of TUNING is the "Blotter" testing and the ParoWax ------if you read this you are a serious prospect for being a SUPER TUNER in the future.

Read my LIPS both are essentials ----absolutely a MUST for Rabbit owners with a mated out credit card.

Post a blotter picture here ---and hagar will analyze ----see hagars pictures for a good sample.-.

The WAX ? is essential for testing condition of ALL the I P's in the 107A lineup.

Sample of hagar looking at your darling Rabbit..:

step one turning engine clockwise with a socket set --(slowly) if OK step two I remove # 1. injector and top belt cover and plastic plug on transmission. step # 3. Remove V C. step # 4 --synchronize ALL timing marks (accurate) with # 1. piston TDC. are you getting the drift ? -- good. I will lead the BAND --but yous guys got to play the TUNE ---EH ? yes you got to do the Walk , I do the talk.
There is NOTHING simple minded bailing wire duct tape about these procedures NOTHING read my lips.

Everything is based on the best of the best pooling their knowledge ---I hagar is only the conductor or custodian if you like OK ? EH.

I consider myself a being specially BLESSED , by having a friend who was BLIND at birth and I worked for years with a number's GENIUS.

Nobody but nobody is a better Rabbit TUNER ,, than Cecil the blind guy -----his hearing was almost scary to work with ---he played the BIG wurlittzer organs in Copenhagen.
If Cecil tuned Andew's guitar in Flgstaff AZ ----IT would be in TUNE read my lips.


PS : so we cant TUNE a diesel by ear ? ? better take another look.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : so much for 6 pages ? EH ? ---wow what happened ?.

I LOVE Rabbits and HATE Turkeys---there I said it.---BUT I like Amerkan TV advertising ---ALL 1 % of it..

Where is the BEEF ? (where is the WAX-EH ?) and that one about a car --- sidekick or something ? The guy is pouring the Milk down the sink --- and tell's the wife we are out of milk EH ? ---just like hagar and Bondo---any excuse for a trip to town will do.

Of ALL the many cars I drove in more than 75 years ? , how sweet she is .---the handling well she is the best by far. , at 500 dollars Kanadian TOTAL cost , EH go figure.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : good time for hagar to streeeeetch the envelope ? --I think so.

My dear Amerikan friends -----today ? ----you can stuff your dried out frozen with freezer burns from Safeway-----for you girl's -- who insist on a small SMALL fresh Turkey ? with lots of FAT gravy and cranberry sause ?-----please invite me.--OK ?.--those of you who rant and rave about TURKEY ? well you obviously tasted the REAL THING.
hagar's best roast turkey ? EVER ? ---NO kidding was cooked by a Chinaman.---same guy who served me Peking Duck----now that was an experience in Culinnary Mastery.-----.

Culinary Mastery ?---is a lot like Hillbilly-TUNING , yeah Part Magic , part Body english , part ---Fingerspitzengefuehl -- Lots and Lots of that.--EH ? a pinch of Salt ? EH ? got it ---? enjoy..

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : " Life NOT according , to plan , is a better life always was always will be " hagar got a LOT of sayings in his memory, - EH ? better believe it..

When you young whippersnapper's get past 75 --- you will understand.

My Amerikan friends are wallowing in excess right now -----great food , great company --EH ?--counting their money ----that is correct. --- hagars Amerikan outlaws and friends are ALL well healed (rich?) .-----how blessed they are ---EH ?..

Well I am the Socialist the Kommie in that mixture-----and NO excuses.-----are those people cruel IMHO ? -----NO NO NO.

The Old battle-ax will be 98 ? in December ( Lucy Barmore ) Issaquah WA Amerika ---sharp as anything , what a girl. --(widow)

Rabit diesel content ? ---do NOT use ParoWax for a while --EH ? will that do coke ?


PS : I still HATE Turkeys -----in general.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : us poor Kanadians in the great white North (green) have NO FUN ? --EH ?----we only stay here due to hardships eh or something ? let me educate you a small amount ----EH?. ----WRONG. ---read my lip's.

could hagar live in Malibu Kalifornia ? ---yes YES , BUT----I am here by CHOICE.------as some of you know --- I was airborne in Howard's Spruce Goose----what a Borate Bomber fleet , say 10 of those would make --EH ?

We use Martin Mars up here and we used a LOT of TBM's -----

Give hagar 10 spruce gooooooses and tell him where the fire is -----it will be out in 30 minutes or less.


PS Tuner hagar now bomber ? --yes read my lips ---remember him in his TBM ?
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : 8. worth the candle, worth the trouble or effort involved (usually
used in the negative): Trying to win them over to your viewpoint is not
worth the candle.
7. hold a candle to, to compare favorably with (usually used in the
negative): She's smart, but she can't hold a candle to her sister.

Photo Credit: Stephanie PhillipsBy Nicole LeBoeuf-Little
Stearic acid, also known as stearin, is a long-chain fatty acid often used
in candle-making. Its primary property is to raise the melting point of the
wax mixture, making the resulting candle harder and more durable.

8. worth the candle, worth the trouble or effort involved (usually
used in the negative): Trying to win them over to your viewpoint is not
worth the candle.
7. hold a candle to, to compare favorably with (usually used in the
negative): She's smart, but she can't hold a candle to her sister.

Photo Credit: Stephanie PhillipsBy Nicole LeBoeuf-Little
Stearic acid, also known as stearin, is a long-chain fatty acid often used
in candle-making. Its primary property is to raise the melting point of the
wax mixture, making the resulting candle harder and more durable.

Different types of wax often have different melting points. The melting point is the degree at which the wax converts from solid to liquid form. It's important to know the melting point of the wax you choose for your ---RABBIT --EH Op-Ivy ?

hagar is the unabashed WAX guru in Rabbit land. Rabbits and Candles plus hagar ?--a fine union.

How long does it take you to change a Rabbit rear brake cylinder ? ---if more than 30 minutes ----go back and read some more. . It takes hagar about 15 minutes.---and NO special tools. . (just did one on Bondo).

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : hagar is happy to tell you all ----I was part of the COLD RABBIT starting gang , in Dan Simoes forum . The lot of us wrote the book on starting Rabbits ---when the temp dip's to 20 below F or lower., that experience was snowball of FUN,

Amazing what all these DIY types dreamed up . ---samples ? sure like charcoal briquettes in a hub cap or using glow-plugs all night at reduced volts (it works. I did it) .

The coolest guy in the gang ? James Hansen -----the King of starting.


PS : must ? a super jumper cable. (like hagars) superflex welding cable.
Turbo Charger
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Post by lyeinyoureye »

hagar, can a bosch VE IP stand spinning up to 14000rpm, in other words could it stand the engine spinning at 7000rpm? Not deliver fuel or anything like that, the high idle fuel cut would still be stock, but just take 14000rpm intact.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit

Post by hagar »

SAGA : I only know about one 107 A for sure ---it survived more than 5000 Rpm i.e more than 10 000 Rpm engine , sounds like you had a Run-away experience.? --EH ?

After my berserk Rabbit -----I stopped worrying about Bosch VE IP's and RPM.

By the way governors are driven off main shaft via a spur gear overdrive almost 1 to 2 ---- This is the best I can say ----someday I may put one pump on lathe and turn to destruction... tink I will use my Lexan safety shield.

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