Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Post by coke »

I can't imagine running a pound in Maine. It gets freaking cold here.

What benefits did you notice, FineFrank, from the pound of wax per tank. MPG? Power increase?
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Post by 82vdub »

I think the general theme is that wax is not added during the winter months. I too have begun playing with wax (thanks hagar) and have only melted it in diesel before adding to the tank. I would not add solid wax to your tank or try to get liquid wax into the tank either. If it makes it down the fill tube without solidifying, it's probably semi solid when it gets to the tank. I've added an ounce of wax to about 16 oz of diesel and set the jar in the sun for it to melt. At that concentration ratio, even with the fluid mix being 70-80 something degrees, there's a skim coat of very thin wax on the surface. I'll see and play more as time goes on, but I'm not going overboard with the wax for now.
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Post by FineFrank »

Not a big power increase- tiny if at all. But the mill runs quieter, smoother- enough that I can tell the difference. In the winter, I run 16oz. Aeroshell 120 and it's noticeably louder, and not because it's winter.
Paraffin is the first thing they began removing from diesel according to my Sinclair refinery buddy. I'm easily accused of overdoing it at 1 pound/10 gallons, but I like the peace of mind, and Parowax is cheap at harvest time-$1.19/ pound.

Edit-It get pretty cold here in Wyoming, too. I've seen -52 in January. But that isn't cold enough to run the Californians out;)

Post by coke »

FineFrank, thats good information. What kind of miles to the gallon increases did you see if any?
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Post by FineFrank »

What kind of miles to the gallon increases did you see if any?
From 38 or 40 (city) to 42, consistently. Not much at all. But I drive the car (consistently) like the devil is chasing me- LOTS of WFO, very rarely a slow, easy start. This car is my hot rod, and I drive it like one. I can't report highway mileage with any consistency because I rarely have need to take the rabbit out of town. Best highway mileage (with wax) was 62 mpg, driving a bit calmer, no wind, at 65 mph. Average is 55-60.
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Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Remember ? No OLD bold pilots ? ---here is the Rabbit pump version.

"There are very few good old Rabbit pump's" ----(if tested by hagar) ---BUT the good news ?-----WAX --and I say bring it on. ---- timing piston must be at full stroke at or near 150 PSIG.
Anything less ? hit the WAX.
If roller ring does not move according to the BOSCH curves --we will never get super SMILEAGE.----hagar is sneaky so he sets full stroke at say 140 PSIG.


PS : when you hit 100 MPG Imp -you will yell UREKA. ---Fraulein Bunny Bondo (born 1984) beats the pants off 2007 models of Jettas ,Prius and a lot more.
Last edited by hagar on Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : ---- someone mentioned that this WAX nonsense was a lot of bother. ------to
that I say one EUREKA outweighs a lot of bother.

To Rabbits WAX , is like Insulin is to a diabetic. ---to really understand why ,
it is important to understand how BOSCH VE I P's accomplish injection point change
to match engine RPM..

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Post by sherpafish »

Thought you might be interested in this, Hagar.

http://www.vwvortex.com/artman/publish/ ... 2046.shtml

Bunny Bondo's older cousin?
1989 Wolfsburg edition Jetta turbo diesel coupe
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : ---- can't imagine running a pound in Maine. It gets freaking cold here ---so say coke EH ?

well hagar would run two pounds in Maine if that's what it takes.

For the benefit of coke and ALL , I shall recap some of the many reasons for feeding Rabbits WAX glorious WAX.

To WAX or not to WAX --that's the question. EH ?.---SO ? how do we know ? --simple Dr.Watson.---we do a "Pull Test" ---a 10 to 1 ? a minimum WAXjob is needed. ---a 1 to 1 raid the kitchen cupboards and steal all the WAX and candles in the house-----and head for the garage and start blending ---very little BOTHER when BOSCH Amerika wanted 2300 dollars to refurbish an I P ----to hagar ALL the BOTHER disappeared like MAGIC.---remember I went to Hogwarts for my ---diesel potions schooling.
Like I said before hagar is sneaky , so he adjust governor max. RPM back a tad. --the point where full stroke of timing piston takes place. 75.4 PSIG. (Bondo ? 70.0PSIG).
And yes Mark Shepherd UK (the Gloster kid) has hagar beat by a mile (Imp) by being born in the Hospital wing at Hogwarts.


PS : a pull-test of 10 to 1 or better ? things are cool ---most of you will find say 10 to 5 or so -----simple to work out what the condition of the I P is. --- BONDO ? she is cool 20 pounds to 2 Pounds..

Post by coke »

hagar, my 91 has one of these newer pumps that increases idle speed as well. Pull ratio is affected by this obviously because the 1st two detents increases the idle then the last advances the pump timing.

What do you recommend I do to check the pump to see how much wax I'm going to need? I don't really have any testing equipment at all but if you can tell me what I can make or what I need to do or what not I can improvise.
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Post by A1-2-A3 »

So areoshell 120 is a aviation type oil? and this wax you add is pricey.
The increases on fuel mileage for some of the guys on here are around 6-8mpg? How much oil do you add to lets say a 45litre tank and how much wax, add the cost of the "mixed" fuel and then just straight diesel. Then figure the difference in average mileage and then you know what I am gonna ask, Is it worth it?
I know your formula for your special fuel works for you and other people and does give a guy bragging rights when we talk mileage but does it add up in $ on paper.
I suppose it might add up if you figure your IP will last with the special fuel.

But then again who cares about the costs if you can say I get 100+mpg.
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Post by FineFrank »

So areoshell 120 is a aviation type oil?
and this wax you add is pricey.
At 1.19 a pound, I'd disagree. But I can see your point, and I'll concede.
I suppose it might add up if you figure your IP will last with the special fuel.
That's the WHOLE reason I add anything. It's just a few dollars a month to get all the use I can out of the pump. I couldn't care less about the fuel mileage; I get all I could expect. I do it to extend the life of the pump. Just as changing injectors, timing belts, oil/filter, fuel filters, etc. extend the life of the car.
I don't recommend it for mileage: but for economy, including my labor to keep this car running. It's worth it for me: YMMV.
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Post by hagar »

SAGA : ---this tale stretches the envelope ---the DIESEL envelope.--EH ?.

in the fall of 1953 I arrived in the BIG apple ---took a train at Grand Central ---for
San.Antonio Texas. --- a very SLOW long trip (the way hagar likes em)-----The Engine
--the biggest brute I ever saw---yes STEAM.----
In those days TEXAS was the biggest state in the union----and Texans would never let you
forget. ---so there I was having a cool one with a handful of Amerikas best.----I
suddenly understood the Eropa version of the " UGLY AMERIKAN"---- the Texas gang gave
the guys from smaller states a real going over --when that settled down ----a Texan
looked at hagar and said where are you from ? I said Danmark.--them Rednecks had fun
with that one.
They bounced that one back and for giving hagar a bad time.---like Danmark ? is that a
country ?--I thought it was a cheese.? EH ? another guy piped up and said NO NO it IS
a country---but if you put it in a corner of Texas you might never find it again.---what
was hagar to do ? EH ?

BUT wait --help was on the way --reinforcement like.

A few days later I got a letter from the King hand delivered ---the King sent me there.

It said that the Island of Greenland was now an integral part of the realm.----i.e

Next time at the get together --I looked at the most obnoxious Texan ---and said ---put
Danmark in a corner of Texas EH ? --well if you put Texas in a corner of Danmark ---you
will never find it again----Ah the sweet Nemesis..---- or -- is that one up-manship ?
Anyway the total area of Danmark is bigger than Texas , Alaska and several smaller states., combined.

I came from an orderly REGIMENTED nation --to a ROWDY place like Texas ? was that FUN or what ? EH ? like I keep saying , I felt like a Mustang Colt let out of the barn in the spring.

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Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- coke and ALL --more on WAX..

coke you can still do a PULL test --it will be less accurate than a slower RPM test --do it and let us know.

As to the cost of WAX ? bingo insignificant. --- at hagars Parowax come in 450 gram to a box of 16 little blocks. ---one block to 40 litres of 15 PPM is expensive ?----EH ?

Yes hagar has tried everything but REAL stanadyne.----BOSCH actually recommended using the competitions product at first.-----I write the saga about Rabbits 77 to 84 --BUT a lot can be used on other models of VW diesels.---WAX is universal .

450 gram to 650 Litres of fuel ? -- expensive.? not to me it is.

next I shall explain WAX as a tool for testing the I P .----and to rescue a pump in distress.

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Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- So you got everything done according to the Bentley ? EH ?-----BUT you are disappointed , she smokes lacks power and Mileage is no way near what was advertised by VW.

did you do as Bentley said ---? --to take the I P to BOSCH ? did you ? do not answer that. -----NO self respecting DIY type like hagar would do that.

There are two groups of pumps ---the brand new on the shelf and the WORN ones. --guess what us Rabbit lovers are faced with ---that is correct. -----but how worn is the important part.---enter ---"Hillbilly-TUNING" and Paraffin WAX.----and heavy grade straight LUBE oil. (for winter time) say 60 weight SAE..

Tell us your PULL ratio and we will give an estimate of where your I P is at ---between the shelf and the dumpster.

The new SLSDF fuel 15 PPM is not helping any. So skinny it makes TWIGGY look like a fat woman.

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