Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

" Julie " ? ---to me she was a wonderful person.-----RIP --Julie.

For maximum "Smileage" --with Oil at 72 + dollars -- important to some of you.? -EH I bet.
--I am still here and Bunny Bondo is still performing.

Like I said the Injection Pump and Injector nozzles --are pay dirt THE MOTHER

As I promised I am working on a post about my experience with the BOSCH system.---trust me
it is not as hard to do as some Stealerships are telling you.


PS : yes the higher the BOOST the better. ---I would run 15 psig if I could.---what
does that tell you ? if you have a clean efficient Turbo ?..that is what you want.
Turbo Charger
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Post by 1.6D-Nut »

"As I promised I am working on a post about my experience with the BOSCH system.---trust me
it is not as hard to do as some Stealerships are telling you."

That's what I'm waiting to read!
Thank you for all the useful information thus far,Hagar.
Always 3-5 A1's on hand!
'84 TDI-M GTI w/ALH and VNT,in the works!
Hillbilly Tuner
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Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Doing the Bosch Injection system on Rabbits --here is what I found. --Remember I said this post is a Saga of HOW WHERE and WHY I wound up doing it.
So if you have problems --ask Andrew in Flagstaff---he knows , or he knows who knows.

I discovered that a lot of things can be done --with the tools in my toolbox --NO special tools needed.

Now I have to go back to the beginning ---Rabbit # 1. 1980 1.5L NA deluxe--4 door 4 on the floor.
No extra charge for the RUST. Pump 107A Injectors --short spring. 0.8 + inch Amerikan. -Injectors with the long spring (best) spring is 1.2 inch long. found mostly in 1.6L NA and turbo.


PS : a Rabbit for 300 Kanadian dollars ? --EH what do you expect ? ---"Bunny Rust" was one pack of FUN..--ugly faded kind of green. How do doctors learn ? dissecting EH ?--that Rabbit was dissected --that was part of the FUN.---I fell in love with Rabbits. (I blame slowbirds).
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

------------- Interlude ----------------

I am watching CNN and Fox right now ---and the sign on a piece of cardboard --sez " OUT " --station closed.
Park your Prius or Hummer --and I will give you a ride home . GOHOMEITIS ? --not to worry Bunny Bondo will get you home.

We go to visit a grocery store a hardware store a bakery ---a farmhouse ---got it ? --there are fuel all around. ----I go for the Kerosene first say 8 litres ? then lube oil say two litres .------no way to stop Bunny Bondo and hagar.------ParoWax --candles --Canola oil --hell the list is endless. --Codliver oil ?---Baby Oil --Laxative oil ---Have I done it ? --yes SIR. ---I go for the Paraffin types first

10 litres ? that is about 200 km. --in Bondo.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Bunny # 1 ---lessons. :

I found out that getting ANY reliable information on the BOSCH injection system --was very very difficult.
BUT wait --EH ? I then experienced --Devine or the Harry Potter effect --Hillbilly effect ?--I am at loss to explain it ---(dumb luck?)--anyway NOT to worry. IT worked.

I pushed the wrong button --and wound up in Dan Simoes forum. (yeah I know it is the competition) ---BUT that was the MOTHER LODE as far as BOSCH injection systems go. Nice archive and full of BRAINY and EXPERIENCED people. --My advice is to search Loren in --yes it includes a good search engine.--from Loren just follow the flow---and BINGO you will get it. They have a PUMPGANG----
to name a couple Loren,Doyt Echelberger,Gary Bangs , William A Thompson Andrew A Libby ---need I go on ? --take a peek for yourself. ----OK OK here are a couple of useful facts. --FACTS.

A leak at fueling screw is by far the simplest to fix---and the Pressure-control Valve is the simplest adjustment on a 107 Pump.


PS : Earthday ? today ? 2006 --- (I bet that Earth does not know it)
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit

Post by hagar »

OK hagar is --under the influence of Alcohol---or I would NOT write this. --I know that lot of you Ford guys GM guys Kodak guys and GIRLS --are on the firing line..--How the hell do I express my real feelings ? --tell me.? --well I am totally disgusted..

So ? now you have to use a GERMAN lifeboat ? --like a Rabbit ?--mindblowing.--EH ?.

Mad as Heck.

Hillbilly Tuner
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Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

When I hagar was a young whippersnapper---I read about ---Benjamin Franklin. --wow. what a read.--that was about 1945 --a great year in hagars life---some years are GREAT ? and some years are POOP. like 1940 --for me.--BUT I am still here.2006 EH ?.
Now for the Rabbits ? EH ? --well what I learned from Rabbit # 1 was that the 107 pumps will do 5000 RPM and NOT self destruct--- I was flabbergasted. ---a 1.5L NA VW diesel doing 10 000 RPM and not--throw rods and --self-destruct ? and not one Valve hit a piston ? Frankly that was the day I fell in LOVE with VW Diesels.---and the BOSCH injection system.--And I am still in LOVE.
What exactly goes wrong with the system ? stay TUNED for hagars observations.


PS : I hope to be back .
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

SO ? what is WRONG ? with a VW diesel ? --- some of my Amerikan friends think it is a REAL diesel --it is NOT. It is a modified gasser---got it ?----if not you better get it.--or pay the price. A REAL diesel is designed as such from day one --OK ?-- like a Lister or a Vølund or a Burmeister and Wain-- or a Jumo or a Caterpillar----or ---eh ? I ran out of steam .
What is good for Toyota ? is good for Amerika ? ---garbage -- good for Toyota is BAD for Amerika --IMHO. ----BUT it is a fine car.

Under "Hillbilly TUNING" you will see that maximum cylinder pressure is lowered --and that is good for a Rabbit. ----In plain lingo ?--it is good for all piston engines.--Why mention this ?---using starting fluid on a Rabbit ? --is just plain MURDER. ---I have a Lister here and it will survive any pressure PEAK --no problemo.---Sounds kind of horrible ---but no problemo. That kind of pressure would kill a Rabbit---IMHO.

SO ? why does hagar know so much about Cylinder Pressure ? --glad you asked.
I saw what pressure does to a cylinder when I was a kid---my dads Harley ---1200 cc fat one---busted a cylinder off --due to his STUPID driving.
I said dad kick the starter ---he did ---I said dad the Cylinder goes up and down ---front one. He said kid how many times have I told you --it is the piston that goes up and down--NOT the damned cylinder.

I said dad I can see the house across the street right through the cylinder---He never ever gave me a hard time after. --I am a flyboy ----and Amerikan Radials (the worlds best) will bust the cylinders --if you use too much pressure on take -off.---Yes I saw boxes and boxes of busted cylinders ----at a training base.--in 1954.----.They all bust at the lower cooling fin.----Harleys and PW and what not.--trust me.

Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Ok Bunny # 1 ---was rusty ---the run-away --Rabbit gone berserk. Bunny # 2 was "Bunny Clunk" the 1982 1.6L NA ---2 door 4 on the floor. Tranney GL---- Why clunk ? because unknown to me the battery bracket was NOT welded to frame and Radiator was NOT bolted to frame---it was a rad from a 1.5L --those speedbumps in town was --better than interesting.--that will stop a good DIY like hagar ? ---not on your butts. ---That taught me NEVER to go by PO (previous owner) information. ---NEVER.
More on "Bunny Clunk" ---later.

Turbo Charger
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Post by jkeiffer_gearhead »


sorry to interupt the saga but did you get around to checkin your timing, both injection pump and cam?

and if so what are the timed at?

1985 GMC pickup 4x4 lift kit and runs 14.625 @ 91mph
1982 VW rabbit pickup 1.6L just rebuilt, 100mm cv's, 02A transmission
1997 Geo Tracker 1.9 TDI-M, variable gate turbo, Giles Pump
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Gearhead and All .: I get asked about Bunny Bondos "TIMING" a lot---- I have to give
the same answer ----She is TUNED --and for me to put the Dial on her ? Ferguson in
California asked me years ago.---so far I never answered him. ---TUNING is an individual
thing---all the Rabbits are different --? IMHO ? --EH.?.---I did try ---BUT ? I had so
many other priorities --like ? ---eh the crazy Sisters .---Sigrid and Lenora-------are PEOPLE not more important than Diesel ? ---please do NOT answer that one.

But I DO LOVE those two girls---crazy or not ----WOW --what a pair.---I am so lucky.

Hope my luck holds.

Last edited by hagar on Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Forums ? --EH ? --OK they have to be paid for --that's fair IMHO. So Dan and Jack have to sell things. To us ? EH ?.---What is wrong with that ?--- you do not have to buy. BUT you can still use the forum --EH ?.

My philosophy is --give as you got --EH ? and take as you NEED. ---These forums are a Goldmine of giving---and that is one reason I am a Yankee Lover---(Danish term) --- I am here to give back a small amount , yes I got a LOT of help traveling in USA. --I was NEVER EVER left stranded anywhere.
How do I use the forums ? --- I have a MUST READ list----I hope to post it someday. LOL #1 ? Mark Shepherd in UK--- "The President"----I read every post --as much as I can., the list is a long one.--BUT with a SPONGE brain ? --can I handle it ? --bet your butts.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

Remember ? this was to be 6 or so pages ? ---well you guys snookered me--- I am a sentimental OLD geezer and telling tales (Sagas?) is part of my fun for the day. --Kiddoes your day will come.--EH ?.

Coke I am impressed with the pictures.--- exactly where in Maine are you ? ----

Bosch Pumps ? all the pumps here has the same "Camplate" # 8595. and the same Pressure --control Valve # ---? well they were all the same 837 ? ----piston ? diameter about 235 Thou US.

NOTE : a pressure -control Valve is NOT a pressure regulator --Valve like on your aircompressor.---very important information.


Post by coke »

hagar -

Glad you like the pictures. All I did was post them after uploading them to vwdieselparts.com.

Im in Downeast Maine, Washington County. Hickville.
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Smoky and the Rabbit ?---I kind of like the ring to that. --- Hows about Smoky the Rabbit ?. ok back to real life.---in the SMILEAGE lane ? -EH ?. ---Real smileage means NO SMOKE trust me.

On the pumps I use ordinary hydraulic "O" rings. or "Viton" or Teflon. ---depending on what I have handy.--and I anneal the copper washers. The Pumps have a LOT of O rings---ALL can be replaced by a normal DIY type. ----here is what I found ---Governor screw 1 oring --Pressure -control Valve 2 .orings---Throttle shaft 1 oring Fueling screw 1 oring. Cold start shaft 2 orings---Timing piston cover 1 oring.--- Distributer-head 1 oring----Top lid on pumps ---1 big rubber ring. -----I accept NO leaks. --NONE.--------even a small leak at the inlet banjo --will kill the starter and battery. --How do I detect LEAKS ? ---I raid the kitchen for WHITE ---wheat flower. ----And at times I look for the RAINBOW at walleymarts parking lot on a rainy day--- And at times I use a BLACK light. ---OK I have to blow my own horn --(part of my Texas education) I am a Grand Master of leak detection. Are OLD bosch pumps prone to leaks ? --read my lips --YES.

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