Looks like they have everything the vwparts dealer sites have, for a little less.
I ordered a bunch of the special bolts for my mk4 and some other dealer only stuff.
Sucks there are so many tty bolts to change out mounts, the timing belt,
and other ones with the allen heads that are made to strip out.
I also got a 5th gear needle bearing for the 020 and even some
of those sleeve inserts for the 5th gear housing.
I know some places sell the alh bolt kits, but it was nice (though time consuming)
to custom choose everything I wanted straight off the ETKA
Ships from Laredo TX. My order's shipping was about 10 bucks.
It was my first time buying from them and on top of that I got
worried about the cyber-hack stopping my order, they added a
notice on my order that their system was down.
Phone was always busy when I called, but it showed up today.