Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

Things are getting more and more complicated --? EH ? ---BUT that prevents you from having FUN ?---not hagar. ---Do I hate KKK or Jews or Commies or---Katoliks ?-or Blacks or Reds or yellows ---- ?--- my advice ? go and associate with some ---and you will discover ..that if you dive under the hood (Bonnet) together ? and get her going at 70 miles to a gallon ? ---you still HATE the girl or guy?----I am NO help for you.----you must be SICK.

Bush just said (CNN)--there ia a Energy CRISIS ? ---I say Balderdash,Bull and nonsense. It is a share crisis.

----you can trust me ANY time.
If I lie ? I say so.----we all have to do it.(at times -EH ?)

Texas wonders brag a lot.----

Why disclose this NOW ? --I have to kick the bucket.---And kick I shall.

Last edited by hagar on Tue May 02, 2006 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

Flight 93 ? and hagar being a flyboy ? ---WHY do I cry ? ----I have a picture
... part of a Slideshow from a Tower ------and I watched it in REAL time.....a Woman was
falling ----about half way down-------as a Military guy ? would I NUKE anyone guilty of
that ? ----if I knew for sure ---who it was ? I would vaporize them at a blink of an
eye.------scum of the earth ---IMHO.----the REAL problem ? where to NUKE ?----

Did I see 93 ? --NO -----but would I like to ? --give me a chance. ---Now what does
this have to do with this FORUM ?---simple ----the envelope.


PS : all things are interconnected -----EH ?--my GOD who was she ?.-----Lady if I can
revenge that --I will.---revenge is BAD ? ---not in my books.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

I am---only a Rabbit guy ? ---OK ? ----BUT I do know that a 1984 1.6 L Turbo (Jetta) -----may have an identical engine. --so the TUNING is the same ? ---NOT so fast .---The Jetta is WAY more streamlined ----SO ? you get a lot more Smileage at high speeds. ---- Bunny Bondo likes about 60 KMT.---T means hour and KM --GO FIGURE.

Right NOW ? ----Jesus sells.----and the word is crisis for Energy ? ---NONSENSE. ----we have LOTS.

You vote in IDIOTS and that is what you get .----- Tomorrow ?--where do I hagar stand ? SOLID absolutely SOLID with Labor ---and I am a CEO-----go figure.? (dormant --OK ?) the company is on the back burner-----but still there.

May 01 ? ---go ---go go in the millions ----you ALL count.----but only out there.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

When I took 107A pump # 1 ---apart --I forgot to count how many parts----must be hundreds.

To test a pump for performance ?. -IS absolutely -a MUST. --if you want SERIOUS -"SMILEAGE" .

As a FANATIC I even test brand new pumps. --- BUT if you are getting 70 miles on a gallon and NO smoke --and lube stays clean ? (I would skip it).

The last test I do is with a Timing light ---to make sure that the timing ring goes full range at 5000 RPM.
(about 12 degrees pump) if not I adjust pump pressure a tad high ---or lover strength of return spring.

More on what I discovered about pumps later ----The SUN is hitting my monitor.

hagar. ( Bunny Bondo is calling ).
Last edited by hagar on Tue May 02, 2006 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Diesel Freak
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I got a suggestion for that out-bolt trick of yours

Post by stopping »

I would like to measure internal IP pressure from the out bolt of my fuel pump after the little screen. I think I would thread the hole in the top of the bolt to fix brakeline to it. I want to do this just to make the pressure measurement and I think it is something I could do without a lathe.


What do you think
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

NO Lathe needed------trust me . a drill is all you need ---

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Remember these pumps are OLD ? --like me ? EH ?.-----do NOT expect them to work like NEW.

HOW the dickens got I so good at TUNING ?---the same way You got so good at keeping your pinkies of a red hot stove if you put your hand on it..---- 5000 dollars Kanadian for a NEW pump 1982 1.6L NA ---does that make sense ? ---it better.

Weather here is so good --I have no time for getting good at --Quoting.

PS : would hagar leave his PETS behind --in a disaster ? --try me ----I will die first. or FRIENDS ?.---NEVER NEVER NEVER.---and you may Quote me.

Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

Pump pressure MUST be measured --BEFORE orifice.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

On a soccer field ---was hager the PELE of the North ? -----you bet your Balls. ---I was so good that I scored the last Goal of War #2 on the field of Korsvejen School ----05 May 1945..-------OK OK the goalie was NOT in the goal. -----BUT I blasted that ball right in the upper right corner .anyway.----then I heard the BELLS ----ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing ---seemed like every Church --had a NUTCASE bellringer.
--they did. ---blisters all over the place.---was it Saturday ? or Friday ?-------let me know if you were there.----------it was FUN let me tell you . København was one BIG PARTY-----me ? I headed for the AIRPORT KASTRUP.----dance ? I can do that anytime ---BUT this is a once in a lifetime chance to get my hands on all those Fokkers ? ready to go. ---after more than 5 years ? do you blame me ?.

The strange part ? was that they were all fully armed and fuelled and ready to go ----???? WOW.----but I did NOT know how to fly.---10 years later I could fly them ALL.---timing ? is important EH ?.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

How did hagar learn to fly ? partly due to MORIAN HANSEN look him up on the NET.

Strange induvidial ------take my word for it. ---he liked my flying.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by hagar »

This posting is NOT directly connected to my Rabbit experience ? (yeah sort of)----BUT it is related to the PRICE of fuel..-----
I listen to CNN and FOX all day ---- I am retired.---- And the words Supply and Demand sets price is bantered all day.---to that I say garbage.----IT is way more complex than that.---just to give a sample -------"Supply and NEED".

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

When you have a problem ? ---are friends --important ? ----Well slowbirds is an OLD friend and he phoned me about 10 minutes ago----offering to help change a waterpump on Bunny Bondo ----yeah she left a Pulley down the road----fell right off.----way to go slowbirds.-----he was a Automotive mechanic certified in BC---NOT DIESEL.
with HIS help ? how can I loose ?-----I am a winner-?---and so is HE-----I am an electrical type.

He needs electrical ----? I am ready.------anyway HE is very smart---at some things. ----HA ? I know the things.?.

Cetane Booster
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Re: Old guy Old Rabbit .

Post by Katmandu »

hagar wrote: I listen to CNN and FOX all day.
Fox has the BEST looking women! Smart AND Beautiful! Great combination IMHO! 8)

Diesels ?? What Diesels ?? LOL!!

Gotta go work on mine right now....... :(
81 Diesel Rabbit 1.6NA
98 Dodge Ram 2500 w/Cummins Diesel
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:11 am
Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Today is May 03 --2006. ---PERFECT DAY ----if I knew that today was my last ? --WHAT ? would I DO ?. ---go fishing ? go flying ? go skiing ? ---NO I would go fooling around with RABBITS. ---to my last breath.---SO ? --well here I go. (will I survive the day ? --maybe) --if NOT ? --you all know that hagar was a happy --stiff all the way.

What exactly do I use the TIMING light for ? ----TIMING ?---nah nah-----I am a TUNER .. I use it ONLY --for testing that the that the advance works to spec.----at 5000 rpm 24 degrees --before TDC.--will 20 degrees do ? --NOT here it will.----to get a LOT of Smileage ? ---- make it 24 degrees at 4500 RPM.

Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

OLd guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Thems FOXES are cute ? ---I totally agree ----BUT that CNN girl whats her name ?---is cuter than cute --IMHO.----Well they are ALL cute ?--that is part of how they got the job ?---IMHO.
At 74 ? if you do not find ALL woman CUTE ? you are missing a few screws? EH ? ---so say I---hagar. The FAT and the skinny and TALL ----just LOVE -EM. ?


PS : an UGLY Girl ? is known around here as a "TWO BAGGER " can I LOVE a girl like THAT ? ---they are the BEST IMHO they are NOT spoiled by beauty.--PERSONALITY IMHO is 99 %.-----well NAPA in town has a coolant pump for BUNNY BONDO so ? I must go. 72 dollars Kanadian..
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