Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : 15 ppm testing. -----Shell Oil Kanada sold by Columbia Fuels.

Freezer test ? ---Total failure. Blotter test ? total failure. For Rabbits 1977 to 1984 it is a disaster.

As a fuel ? ---finest I ever tested. ---very volatile ---good for winter starting. for dryness and cleanliness ? --perfect. --- as a solvent for Parowax ? perfect. ---any ratio.

Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old Guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : why in the world does Old Hagar the Horrible drive a 1984 Rabbit --when he has cash on hand to buy a brand new TDI ? ----I am glad you asked..

This explanation takes flyboy lingo so here we go fasten your seatbelts.

Flying is wonderful ---EH ? , it can be done in a Cessna " Spamcan " or a Piper "Paper - Cup " ------- BUT no flying compares to flying a thing made by your own hands. --a DIY ---machine.
NO I did not make " Fraulein Bunny Bondo " ---BUT she represents ----hours and hours of sand-blasting ,priming , painting , mashining, welding , TUNING -----and that is why "Skylarking" is so much FUN here.


PS : did I mention READING ? no ? ok READ first then TUNE.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : listening for "Voltage drops" ---meter on DCV 200m .

To speed things up dimple # 1 is positive post , # 2 is Negatory post.. ---I take the readings and write them down , Then later with a cold appropriate drink in hand ---it all get analyzed..

# 1 to center of post on starter relay. --- NOT the nut.. --# 2 to clamp on post. ---- # 2 to engine block ---# 2 to Starter frame.

All checks out ? and cranking is slow ? --I pull the starter.

After all that cranking ? fingerspitzen gefuehlen-----anything warm ? ----if so I clean connection.

This is GOSPEL read my lips ---on a diesel --cranking RPM is SUPER critical. ----Not at all like a gasser.----by the way , some Japanese gassers are critical ---MAGNETO ---needs RPM to get a spark.

Come for a ride in Fraulein Bunny Bondo ----- and leave as a convert to "Rabbitology" ----state of the (non) UNION on ENERGY ? ---IMHO ? ---balderdash ,smoke --SMOKE and mirrors and outright lies.----- Does Old hagar sit on the answers ? he thinks so. ---BUT the White house .Ottawa, Peking and København and the Pentagon and Boeing will NOT like it.

In one word ? "living standard" ---is that two ? --ok so be it.

Make Old hagar Energy Czar of America ----? and oil will NOT be a problem for many a year
And your mother in Law will never freeze in the dark. --NOT one senior left behind. ---anywhere in Amerika.


PS : would THAT make hagar a dictator ? --YES --the " DESIDER " . ---have I got good arguments ?---that you can not shoot down ? YES.----ah hell take a shot.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : hagar the looser and bum ? oh yeah ? is that so.?.

A looser does not wind up in Texas for a fully paid education --EH ? from Danmark

NATO paid all bills. "Lackland AFB" -----there I was in the HEAT ----and there it was that BIG Coke machine-----I only had a perfectly good quarter ---the Aircondioned Theater was quarter and a nice cooling down ? eh ? decisions , decisions.----I put my quarter in the machine.Rumble Rumble and out came a nickel -BUT NO Coke .---I was so mad I hit the machine ---and WOW --change started pouring out of the thing. ---then it stopped --BUT by this time I had handfuls of change. --I hit it again -----more -----from the mother lode. --in 1953 a coke was 5 cents. --I had my coke and the movie.

Do you think hagar is a winner ? ---he does.--Next ? the New Jersey Turnpike.---toll booths.


PS : Fox and terror free oil ? --NUTS just plain NUTS IMHO.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : I think my Bibles all say ---as thou sow --so ------ hagar sez as thou TUNE so shall thou skylark.

yesterday 24 Jan 2007 Bondo and hagar went skylarking ---- Bondo uses 1.5L nozzles set at 2400 psig ---and a fresh fill-up of 15ppm and an extra snort of Parowax concentrate. ----WHY does that 15ppm seem to work so good ? ---hagars guess , better atomization. evaporates "gassifies" way faster then the old fuels.
Power went up and smileage went down ---- best part was how smooooooooth the engine ran. --and absolutely no smoke that I could detect.

91 NA
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Post by 91 NA »

Earlier in the thread you mentioned the 'bulb' for priming.
Do you open up the pump and manually prime, or is the bulb mounted in-line. like on an outboard?
Are you using an outboard bulb, and is it non-reactive with the 15 ppm?

I haven't switched to the 15 ppm fuel, but want to be prepared when I have to switch.. All of the Sunoco stations in central PA are still selling 500 ppm.
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

Tygon Fuel and Lubrication Tubing Formulation F-4040-A is ok for 15ppm ---Tygon Lab tubing R- 3603 ---will work good for about a year.

About primer bulbs ? ---with 15ppm ? I do not know ---but they handle the old fuels just fine.

I have a Bobcat 743 --about 1991 ---the bulb still works just fine for priming. ----Remember tho OLD Rabbits ? they had a rubber primer on top of Filter..

Bonnie Schneider can check my weaterwane and temperature any time --- (CNN -girl).

Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : Rubber and Plastic's are not all fuel-proof. ---1984 --fuel line on Rabbit --are NOT proof --they are only Resistant.----- The lines on Bondo are black "rubber" with a cloth braid on the outside.--and has to be replaced.---soon a I get a round "TOO-IT" --- for now ? I splice using Nylon grease line.and mini screw-clamps.


PS : I am blessed with piles of line ---from braided SS to Teflon and -----for fuel ? I like the Nylon grease-line.---think it is Eastman something.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : --- it is a glorious Sunday morning here --30 inches of mercury blue sky 7 : 41 Am. so we all know what that means ---EH ? . -----Fraulein Bunny Bondo wants to go skylarking ----she will if it is up to me.
In all my testing ---the Shell Oil W-120 --is by far the best. ---the best in the fuel --and the best in the Crank -case.-----why is that ? take a close look at the way it is refined and ----the QC procedures..
Yes it is expensive ---BUT ....Bondo is worth it ---EH ?. could I give her synthetics ? yes but they are all full of ash --and even more expensive. ---Will Bondo ever go for EXTENDED intervals on oilchange ? ..----NOT on my watch.---read my lips. ---remember the cost for the oil ? --is less than the cost of a lab lube test.------yes the oil may still be ok --EH ? --it better be. I do not change when it is BAD.


PS : Parowax is way heavier than 15ppm ----so return-flow to tank is IMPORTANT.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : ---yes we went skylarking , yesterday.----here to Lund BC ---Lund to Saltery Bay ----Saltery Bay to Mitchell's Lagoon --Lagoon to here.---She performed --now suddenly the boost hits 8 psig.--------anything go wrong ? ---YES the foggers got us --first thing.

At the Lagoon --(fogged in) ---not a soul around ---so I decided to drink an OLD STYLE beer and head for home.----BUT wait --here comes this gorgeous female walking her dog ---(a black Lab ?) --- on a short leash. --first I persuaded her to let the dog loose.--then we had a nice talk ---she was in grade 12 -----while we talked the dog checked out the latest Pee-Mails --and left some answers. ----I have a gut feeling that this creature of Dutch roots and the OLD Dane will meet again.----I know we will.

For a long trip for Fraulein Bunny Bondo ? --what kind of lube in sump ? SINGLE grade NOT MULTI grade----single is way better lube.----next oil-change ? what will she get ? Shell W-120 --count on it.--yes it is Aviation lube.

Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : why so much hype about --skylarking ? --from hagar ?------simple it is the end of years of TUNING and reading forums and reading books and books from the public library----so ? if hagar the Horrible can get this good ? --what about YOU ?. -----hagar was never a mechanic (Auto or Diesel) ---and he missed UNIVERSITY by the skin of his teeth.----BUT he did not miss the boat.


PS : I even LISTENED ----Val Christian and I talk on the phone --often.-----Bondo is hagars Prom Queen - skylarking trip last Sunday ? --total Km -- 118 ---she was just a purring. she now has 266 667.2 on clock. ---and boost go to 8 psig. --with full power in ECO mode. we need a grand Diesel Ball in memory of Rudolf.
91 NA
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Connecting the dots...

Post by 91 NA »

hagar sez:
>what kind of lube in sump ? SINGLE grade NOT MULTI grade----single is way better lube.

I agree.. I always thought that multi viscosity would break down faster, but never did the testing. Never really bought that it gets thicker as it gets hotter either... always felt like I was getting conned..

->---next oil-change ? what will she get ? Shell W-120 --count on it.-

Wait a minute.. you're in Kanada, right? 120 AV is like 60 wt car oil, right?
It must not be getting very cold where you are, unless you only run it in the summer.. or unless you keep it plugged in winter and summer (which you have mentioned), and plug it in at both ends of a trip (which I don't think you've mentioned), and keep it running and locked when you're at the mall (which I'm sure you've mentioned)..
... takes a while to connect the dots...
Turbo Charger
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Post by libbybapa »

Last edited by libbybapa on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hillbilly Tuner
Posts: 2424
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

SAGA : fatmobile rattled my chain ----1.5 L with a TURBO ? --in ECO mode ? ----great combo.

In the beginning hagar wanted NO turbo no way no how ---EH ? yes.

BUT in 2007 ? ----hagar sez no TURBO ? --no way no how.----that turbo --is the best thing that ever happened to that line of VW diesels---IMHO --read my lips.

.For a 1.5L NA with a Turbo ? hagar will TUNE it for 40 HP maximum----- even 3 PSIG boost , does wonders to these little wonders.-----yes hagar likes the LDA so it will be used like the one on Fraulein Bunny Bondo.---emergency only.---and yes a 1.6L I P will work just fine.-----if Hillbilly TUNED.

IMHO --- an A 1 Rabbit is fine with 40 HP.

91 NA
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1.5 T

Post by 91 NA »

Would you start with a 1.6 TD block, or would you use an NA block, as you would be keeping the boost and EGTs down?

I'm still thinking about putting 5 PSI on my 1.6 NA, and possibly putting a ceramic coating on the piston tops and combustion chambers.

I'm looking at using a Giles modified NA pump, which would already have me at about 70 hp, then adding the 5 lbs of boost.

What do you think?
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