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Wires broken in door boot

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:07 pm
by surfcam
I guess this is a common problem for A3's. Just wondering if anyone had some tips on how to attack this. I have at least three to do. I've read where one dude disconnected the harness from inside the car and pulled it through the boot and door. This would make it easy to work on but how hard is that to do.

Re: Wires broken in door boot

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:22 am
by surfcam
Well I was able to disconnect the door wiring harness from the car. You can easily get at it on the door post. It just unscrews then pulls out. Then I undid about 10 clips and electrical tape that hold the harness to the door so I could pull the harness out about 6 inches. Then its not to bad to work on. Seven wires were broken right off and a bunch more where all cracked. So I decided to do them all. I added 4" to about 20 wires. This way I can pull the wiring harness into the door and flex the new wire. Well I have some success. The key in the door will pull all the door locks down but not the trunk. It won't open all the doors. Just the drivers. I've never seen it work so I really don't know how it suppose to work.