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Pesky Air Bubbles...Ahaa! Failed Vacuum Guage?!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:42 pm
by rbrennick
Who would have thought a new guage would start sucking air? Does WVO contaminate the innards if it contacts inside the guage?
Bypassed for now and no more bubbles; no, it wasn't the line and/or the connections.
Any brand guage better than others? This was a cheapo JC Whitney job, if I recall.
Also gave me a chance to check all of the fittings to the pump.
This is turning out to be a local crowd favorite!
FYI for all;

leaky vacuum gauge

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:23 am
by Fatmobile
I had a leaky vacuum gauge causing me problems.
I put a different one on and everything worked fine.
Meanwhile, I opened up the leaking one and found a bad solder seal on the inside.
I fixed it with a soldering iron and solder.