Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Technical questions and answers concerning all models of VW diesel vehicles.

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Hillbilly Tuner
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Old guy Old Rabbit---both Happy.

Post by hagar »

Like to share my experience with Rabbit diesels ---with the rest of you.---I drive a Rabbit 1984 1.6L Turbo --Fraulein "Bunny Bondo" ---finest car I ever seen ---dollar for dollar mile for smile ----how do you like 100 MPG Imp from an OLD girl like that ? EH ?---normal grocery shopping or the Opera with four adults --at 70 Miles on a gallon Imp ? 268 000 plus Km on the clock.
NO smoke and the Lube stays clean.---NOT like tar.


Have fun. ( SAGA within )

PS: engine was never rebuilt --I hope to give you all a summary on a fi
nal post page 5 or 6 ? --maybe.

I sent some pictures to coke of the real McCoy fitting for measuring pump pressure ----Oh and some of my Fuel sample bottles.

She is now running with Aircraft NIL ash oil in sump. -- Aeroshell W 120 ---I think the WAX is NIL ash.EH NO ash lube and Low Ash fuel ---EH ?how sweet it is ? EH ? 15 ppm---here is 10 points ASH --MAX.

If you are a young whippersnapper and you got to page 60 ? --I predict you will be a MASTER TUNER in a few years.-----"Hillbilly TUNING" ----is where the real smileage is at.--Read my lips.


WARNING : hagar is long winded.---

Noisy front bearing ? see page 40.----NO noise NO more. (for Miss Bondo)

--EH ?. ---and with that 15ppm stuff. ? --we have new problems. (we may have to use "VITON " seals)
"Fraulein Bunny Bondo" got reunited with her Older sister "Carries Ugly Duckling" from Anacortes WA on Aril 15 this year.(2008) The Older girl is way way better shape than the younger one.

hagar and Duckling goes and goes in ECO mode ---and her Smileage is out of this world.---be prepared for 200 Statute miles per an Imp Gallon of Shell 15 PPM ----how does that hit your crank --EH ?.

I am hard on Amerikan Mechanic's ? Right ---sort of like Anton Ego on food.-----BUT ---this girl was redone by an Amerikan , who knew something. (a German ?)

Today is fourth of July 2010 and the "Ugly Duckling" is still a joy to drive . Yes at 60 to 64 MPG. . ("Bondo is Parked")

Six pages Max ? try 165 EH ? .. My life is 99% memory Lane stuff. now . at least I have that. A lot of you live on that Lane IMHO.

Last edited by hagar on Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:58 am, edited 69 times in total.
Red Rabbit
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Post by Red Rabbit »

Are you saying you get these fuel economy figures?....if so how....inquiring minds need to know
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

"Hillbilly Tuning" --and yes.

Post by hagar »

Using measuring Beaker --right down to the mL---- Yes I am using special ---supply ---NOT from main tank.


Supply ? --4 wine bottles- 4 litre each.

I knocked a hole with a Green Lee punch just forward of shift. Then I ran all the lines ---by tying to shift rods with TY-Raps. ---So simple EH ?-
Sure was a gass. --Do NOT forget to put a small inline filter in fuel line.

To protect I P ---from muck.

PS : Pictures to follow ---later.
Last edited by hagar on Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by idhoho »

Don't let Hagar's "glow plug" status fool you guys. Hagar is a geezer and has forgotten more about diesels than most of us will ever know. Listen carefully when he chimes in! Welcome Aboard!
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Post by tylernt »

I wanna know how my Rabbit can get 100MPG. :shock:
Turbo Charger
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Post by lyeinyoureye »

Maybe 70-80mpg highway, but 100mpg, how in the world! :? :D

Wait, you're using Imperial gallons... Thus far the most I've averaged is 66mpIg, but that was with a dying rear wheel bearing, no thermostat (engine won't warm up), and plenty of holes in the body. ;)
I see you swapped in an ecodiesel in Bunny Bondo, which, with much shorter gearing and an extra 1000lbs still got ~ the same mileage as older NA 1.6l's. The implication being that the engine was more efficient. And in a light car with taller gearing could get greater than ~65mpIg. I'm still a bit skeptical about an ecodiesel being ~40% more efficient than an NA, but if it is, that'd be a sweet swap. Did you swap injectors and fiddle with the breaking pressure too, that might help things out in the efficiency category? Did you rig your fuel pump so you can lean and richin' your mixture by hand... You have a stil too...What are you making, something with a higher energy content than diesel that you run in your super lean engine? Man, now I'm gonna be up all night reading those archives. :lol:

Ya know, if you're getting 70-100 mpIg on just engine mods, then with suitable aerodynamic mods, you could see 75-130mpIg. :shock: :D
Glow Plug
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Post by ajda3rd »

No disrespect but I have to say bullsh*t.
I have owned about every vdub diesel made and have never , ever, seen in excess of 60 mpg on a tank.
My 86 n/a gets 45 and my 04 pd gets 44 which is way above the epa estimates.
Even 70 mpg equates to almost 1000 miles on a tank.
If you topped it off and did the " I used a quarter tank to go X miles " it may, MAY, figure but I would have to see a consistent usage to make these claims.
Last edited by ajda3rd on Sun May 28, 2006 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Turbo Charger
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Post by lyeinyoureye »

You must have a big tank, because the most I can squeeze out is ~500-550miles. Also, the OP is refering to Imperial gallons, so 70mpIg=~58mpg. I've pulled 55mpg by driving ~95% highway at 45-50mph, and considering that...
Well, just read my post and read this.
-I don't think this guy has a stock engine
-I don't think he's running straight diesel
I would not be surpised if he's pulling 55-80mpg. Just on aerodynamics alone, I bet there's an extra 10-20mpg to be had (e.g. cut in half the .43 CoD of this vehicle, and you'll probably increase mileage @55mph by at least 20%, probably more.
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fuel mileage

Post by Fatmobile »

Yeas I am using special ---supply ---NOT from main tank.
I suspect he's running on free vegetable oil, from a second/heated tank.

I do wonder how the lube stays clean though. :?:
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Post by tedshark »

I still have yet to see 41 or more out of my rabbit :shock:
Turbo Charger
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Post by tylernt »

tedshark wrote:I still have yet to see 41 or more out of my rabbit :shock:
Yeah mine was only getting 38 but that was before I put rebuilt injectors in. We'll see what happens now but it will take several weeks before my next two fill-ups. I just don't drive enough! :P
Turbo Charger
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Re: fuel mileage

Post by lyeinyoureye »

Fatmobile wrote:I do wonder how the lube stays clean though. :?:
Probably the same reason vw was able to put a NOx scrubber on the ecodiesels, running super lean all the time decreases the amount of soot.
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Re: fuel mileage

Post by v8volvo »

Fatmobile wrote:
Yeas I am using special ---supply ---NOT from main tank.
I suspect he's running on free vegetable oil, from a second/heated tank.

I do wonder how the lube stays clean though. :?:
You may have answered your own question...if he is running vegetable oil, there's nothing in there to blacken the oil. When I re-ringed my engine I had the oil pan, valve cover, rods, pistons, and all other hardware that came off dipped and totally cleaned, put it back together, and have used nothing but 100% Biodiesel since first starting it, and my oil stays clean and golden too, even cleaner than a gasser's.

However, I ran B100 always before that too, and the oil was always as black as night until I cleaned out the engine by hand. Even when running soot-free fuel, as I know you do Fatmobile, the engines have so much black gunk in them that it doesn't make a difference in the oil color until you clean them out. For this reason, unless Hagar rebuilt his engines, I have trouble believing that he is getting pure clean oil in them just by doing his "hillbilly tuning". I guess it's possible if he has been doing it for a long time...in any case I want to know more about it!
'81 Rabbit 1.6D/5-speed, sold '09
'86 Volvo 740 TD wagon, 295k
Hillbilly Tuner
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Location: Near Lund B.C. Kanada.

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Post by hagar »

I will be happy to tell ---how "Bunny Bondo" got to turn in such "Smileage"---more than 50mpg is smileage ? --EH ? --and a 100 miles on a gallon IMP is right. ---Normal diesel fuel with 750 mL AD -100 added to 20 litres of fuel.
No veggie tank or anything you can not do if you own a 1984 1.6L turbo diesel. Rabbit. ---My problem is that I do not know how to use this forum. --Remember ? I am a senile GEEZER.
If one of you will help me post ? all that info is yours for FREE.
My Rabbit den is in BC on highway 101 ---the perfect test track. The view is spectacular --the pavement smooth and the girls good looking.


PS: where did the glowplug sneak in ?
Turbo Charger
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Post by tylernt »

The "Glow Plug" under your name is an indication of how many posts you have made here. After a couple dozen it changes to "Cetane Booster" and after 100 it changes to "Diesel Freak". Somewhere above that it changes to "Turbocharger".

Do you have files you want to post? Like a PDF or Word document or something?

Also, what's this "AD -100" that you're adding 750mL of to 20 litres of fuel? I've never heard of AD -100 before.

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