Just a reminder to people who post here. If you are selling a car, and you are using the Want to Buy - Sell - Trade fora, it is especially important that you include as many details as possible. This includes year, make, model, mileage, motor, performance mods, condition of exterior, interior, underside, any known mechanical defects, anything that you would ask of a person who was selling a car to you.
On another note, pictures are nearly essential on all car selling sites. Almost all users post pictures on their ads. Since VW Diesels are hard to find at the dealerships any more because of the rising cost of fuel, most people will have to travel significant distance to aquire one of these.
If you can't email the pictures out to people or post them in the forum for whatever reason, but you have them on your computer, I will post them myself if you drop me a PM and request that of me. I'm not yelling or pointing fingers, I'm just saying. How many cars on eBay sell without pictures? Its nearly essential for any sale that takes place on line. Please, don't hesitate to ask. I will host your pictures for you.
Posting on the Want to Buy - Sell - Trade Fora
Moderator: Fatmobile