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Post by Fatmobile »

It must help your self image greatly to pretend you are doing something someone said you couldn't.
I know something you can't do,... show me where someone on here said you couldn't do it,... or that it wouldn't work.
People have been using blends for years with no problem. It works and is the chosen way for many folks,... but I've never met anyone who claims it is, "The right way" inferring that all other ways are the wrong way. Hard to imagine you saying that on any other biofuels forum,... if you did please send a link so we can all laugh at the responses.

I did predict earlier that you wouldn't make it through the winter,... so you changed the formula,... bound to be some formula rich enough in thin fossil fuels to make it through the winter. I didn't say that no mix would work, just that the mix you were using wouldn't get you through the winter,... and I was right.
you were not telling the whole story

On here the point being made is that thinking your way is the right way and all others are the wrong way is just self serving,... a means to boost your own self worth, not by accomplishments but by saying you are better than others. Just a bold statement, that you do everything you can to avoid discussing,... instead just pointing at what you've done and being oversatisfied that it still works. Hey look I haven't killed my car yet.

I once read a document called The Desiderata; it stated not to compare yourself to others for it will only make you arrogant or bitter.

Hey, you have a list of the cars running on your mix, how about listing how many miles each vehicle has made instead of adding them all together to make the number look bigger.
I know you'll end up with a smaller number,.. close to 10,000,... and that might not serve to inflate your self worth,... but it will be more real.

You are the one who made the statement that begs the real question,... what makes your method "The right way"?
....and you are the one avoiding the answer.
What makes it better than the way others are doing it?

My goal is to use as little petrol per mile as possible and a 2 tank SVO setup accomplishes that goal better than your plan,... but I'm not arrogant enough to claim my way to be the right way or even better than yours.
That's obviously not your goal. What is your goal,... to mix a little vegy in with your petrol without killing your cars?

Hey look I haven't killed my car yet.
Hey look I haven't killed my car yet.

Stay tuned folks, for more self serving drivel that misses the point.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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well your still hung up on ihe word right

Post by vano7 »

Excuse me but you are the one and only that said i would not make it threw the winter. you need to come kleen , because you can'nt start that car at 10 below and drive 10 miles and flip it to straight vegi , you spend many hours basterizing your car . truely there is a better way , i read alot of these sights and you guys with your 2 tanks that do not kleen oil the right way, wo there goes that word right again , your cloging filters , your coking the motor, and your doing major repairs. I never said it was the right way, I will say it is a simpler and easyer way to run with out all the problems that you will not admit that you really have. I predict you will not make it threw the winter so you change the the formula. what the hell is up with that , did you bump your head . I did not thin fossil fuels , I thined svo , get your head out of the clouds, and get back to earth. you were worng my blended svo mix did get me threw the winter . rich enough to thin fossil fuel, bonehead , Iam not thining fossil fuel , Iam thining svo to work in a single tank system that you said would never work. Ok look close Iam going to spell it out for you 98 jetta chase car for all the mercedes that i pick up 65000 miles, 1980 300 cd 5100 do not drive this one much it is a collectors car, only 65000 on it Iam the 2 owner, would you like to buy it,2 sdl 300 1987, between the the 2 9800 miles ,still cleaning the tanks out ,1983 sd 4800,vw pickup 4200 ,94 chevy 2500 11000 , 1982 240d 6200, 2004 ford 1 ton 12000, would you like me to list the logging equipment that is running on it to,as it is iam not going to list all the vehicles it would be a waste of time. Iam not avoiding any ansers, ask and you will recieve,the system simpler than yours , works better than yours , does not cost as much as yours, does not take as much time as yours , does not involve any extra parts like yours. Well your goal is to waste alot of time playing with the cars you keep basdterizing, well some of us have a life , and do not have time to stand around the old oak tree yangen motors , so we can go to the energy show and brag about the the car we built, O and brag about the great parking spot we got , you misunderstand the word right , what makes your system right , because what I see and read out here is your 2 tank system has alot of draw backs. last but not least your goal is waste time, sit at home in the winter because you have to drive more than 20 miles to even try to heat that oil before you can flip the switch. If you can even get it started at 9 below zero.

runnen with the big guy in the sky

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Post by Fatmobile »

Sorry man, you are back to writing a lazy blob of words and I couldn't get past the first sentence.
It was about you trying to boost your self worth by claiming someone said you couldn't do it,... and you did.
....and of course mentioned the only thing that even came close,... which I already explained:..
I did predict earlier that you wouldn't make it through the winter,... so you changed the formula,... bound to be some formula rich enough in thin fossil fuels to make it through the winter. I didn't say that no mix would work, just that the mix you were using wouldn't get you through the winter,... and I was right.
But you can keep thinking you are doing something someone said you couldn't (some fool somewhere might actually have said that)... if you need that kind of ego boost.

I'm sure the rest of what you wrote was just as well thought through.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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the only one on a ego trip is you

Post by vano7 »

You know you have a real problem with admitting that you, the almighty said, i would not make it threw the winter . When you made your prediction you had know idea what my mix was , or what it would be. But I, so called change it acordingly to you . excuse me but that fool was you, you keep claiming that Iam trying to boost my ego, wrong , what I said was there is a simpler way to run the vehicle . Why is it ,You can not tell the real story on running your vehicle on straight svo or wvo and never loosing a filter,Acording to you , You have the same dam filter you had when you bought the car. Why is it, That when i read all these sights ,That the 2 tank system, has so many problems . But acording to you ,in the dead of winter in mina, or where ever your are at, you can start up, drive 5 miles and flip the switch. it takes along time to get that straight oil even close to the right temp, to burn it straight in the dead of winter. Truly I don't think you even drive in the dead of winter, And as far as trying to boost my ego, Wrong, just trying to make it simple, for the guys that don't have the time to hang around the old oak tree. well it has been nice jawen with YA buddy , Keep on wrenchen.

ps. I have to go and make fuel for the fleet

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Post by Fatmobile »

You know you have a real problem with admitting that you, the almighty said, i would not make it threw the winter .
No, I admitted I said that. People have been blending for years, winter is the hard part. They can't make it on a summer mix ,.. and that's all you knew, it was your first summer. Now I know it will be incredibly hard for you to admit,... or apparently even understand this next point.
There is bound to be some amount of blend that is so rich in thinner petroleum products that is will make it through the winter. As far as I know you are putting 1 quart of vegy to a tank and saying you made it through the winter, you never listed your winter blend.
That way you are still technically running a blend. Half truths are your way. It's foolish to say that someone would even think that you couldn't delute vegy enough to run in winter> it's also foolish to think you'd make it through winter with your summer blend.
When you made your prediction you had know idea what my mix was
I didn't know you had a summer blend,... why not?
Because it serves your ego to think someone said you couldn't do it,... and you feel like a fool for pretending like someone did. Too embarrased to admit that of course there is a blend that would work, of course you can add enough thin petrols to make it through the winter and only a fool would say there wasn't,... but there was no way your summer blend would make it through the winter.
Hard for you to admit that no one said there is no possible blend that will make it through the winter,... it looks like you make things up so you can make your acomplishments seem greater. That's why you avoid mentioning that of course there is a blend that will work, and no one said there wasn't.
But I, so called change it acordingly to you . excuse me but that fool was you,
Lazy drivel that made no sense.
you keep claiming that Iam trying to boost my ego, wrong , what I said was there is a simpler way to run the vehicle .
Sooo when you kept bragging that someone said you couldn't do it, bragging and bragging. That was about being simple? Not about pumping your ego?
Why is it ,You can not tell the real story on running your vehicle on straight svo or wvo and never loosing a filter
I'll repeat what I've written earlier in this post:
The www link at the bottom of my page lists all that, as well as many posts on this fora. Did you want me to repeat it all for you? I put forth the effort to write it once, now all you have to do is put forth the effort to read it. Repeating it for you would be a waste of my time.
It'll helps you answer your own question:
Why is it, That when i read all these sights ,That the 2 tank system, has so many problems
Were you afraid to read my info? I figure you only read posts that speak negatively about SVO systems,... it helps you to feel superior. It helps make you feel right and important to think your system is better,... if you don't read posts that show otherwise you can keep patting yourself on the back,... but don't expect me to repeat something you are just going to disbelieve anyway. To believe the truth would lower your self worth. Your ego is too fragile to handle the truth, so you avoid it.

Acording to you , You have the same dam filter you had when you bought the car.
But acording to you ,in the dead of winter in mina, or where ever your are at, you can start up, drive 5 miles and flip the switch.
Can you point to where I said either of these things? Because it's usually 7 miles when it's real cold. How is that different than what you do?:
Well I let warm up for about 15 minutes and took off down the road,
it takes along time to get that straight oil even close to the right temp, to burn it straight in the dead of winter.
See, now if you had taken the time to read any positive posts about SVO systems, you would know all the vegy doesn't need to be even close to the temp it needs to be when SVO reaches the injectors,... and all it has to do when you switch to vegy is be thin enough to move through the lines without causing the pump to pull too hard.
I will explain this one point to you, since you are afraid to read my posts, website or anything positive about SVO systems.

With a looped system the injection pump is full of diesel fuel on startup,.. upon switching to vegy the diesel is flushed into a loop that returns to the front of the pump. No reason to heat it much, since it's 90% diesel in the loop,... and a proper blend doesn't need heated. I can run with whatever blend I want. If it's too cold for straight vegy I can hit purge mode for a short while and add diesel to the loop,... at any time. So on real cold days, running around town, I might be running a blend in the loop. When I hit the highway and there is higher engine temps I can let the diesel burn out of the loop and run straight vegy. On my system the blend is constantly adjustable.
Do that with all the stuff in your garage :D
Truly I don't think you even drive in the dead of winter,
You think I walk? I'm 10 miles from the nearest city. Think whatever serves your ego.

Soo the answer to the question of, "What is your goal?"
just trying to make it simple,
To which I've already replied:
Yes, as I suggested earlier; You think your system is the best because you put little effort into it
I did enjoy this post:
Iam gitting real close to building a onboard system.
It showed that I got through to you with the challange of someone handing us each a jug of oil and you not being able to do anything with it because all your stuff was in the garage. Basically admitting that simple isn't always better. That you are tied to your garage and I'm not.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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you sound like obama

Post by vano7 »

Know that is not what you said . wrong again i start with 46 gal of svo and end up with 56 gal to 60 depending on the temp. Half truths seem to be your favorite, I only use a cup of diesel , I use less fossil , o wait a minute , winter is here so know, I mix diesel with my svo so I can operate my vehicle. But what happen to the lets use hardly any fossil fuel.It wasn'nt someone, bonehead,It was you that said I would be dead before winter. Well if the shoe fits, run with it . why don't you take that ego thing and stick it where the sun don't shine. I told you this is not about ego. It is about saveing time in a very bizey world , where all of are time is spent trying to stay afloat. Yes you did say you can run forever on one filter , the ego problem must be on your side, Because the way you filter oil is total BS . This has nothing to do with superior, or ego, or right ,Dam there goes that word right again, just joken . it is about keepen it simple. why can't you come kleen, 7 min there no way at 0 deg you are ready to go in 7 minutes . Let me take that back it is 15 to 30 minutes depending on the temp. 7 minutes you are runnen straight diesel.Your not supose to be blending , you said a cup of D and your runnen svo. now in the cold weather your blending it with D. What happen to lets use the least amount of fossil fuel you can. realy if i had the time the onboard system would be done . But truly I do not have the time, figure I will save that project for when I can aford a motor home. But if you really want to run across country let me know , if I have the time , I have the tanks and I won't be stopen to dumpster dive.

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Post by Fatmobile »

OK, you can keep thinking someone said you could never thin vegy with enough petrol to make it through the winter. i can tell your ego really needs to believe that pointless false claim expecting me to write a whole paragraph to disprove it simpleton halftruth what about that prove its not. told you not about ego so that must be true cuz i told you. You filter is BS but won't tell you how. Why don't you come clean, your shorts are dirty and I don't believe you when you tell me they aren't poopypantshead. That's not your winter blend you are just saying it is You didn't understand a thing I wrote and ity makes you look foolish good thing those WWII vets helped you because you couldn't have done any of this on your own obviously can even understand what I wrote. can't even answer the simple question::
What is your goal? To be a simpleton? Afraid that as soon as you state it I will prove mine works better to acheive that goal? Don't worry, you can just disbelieve it and your huge ego will stay inflated.
I have the tanks and I won't be stopen to dumpster dive.
Of course you won't, because you could only stand there and look dumb. No way you could turn it into fuel.
What happen to lets use the least amount of fossil fuel you can
Sometimes when it's really cold and I'm puttering around town, I have to add some diesel to the loop I'm still using less than you,... but that's easy.
Funny ask a question, I answer it but it makes your system look so lame you can't even believe it or do anything but say it makes me use more diesel. Ha, what a fragile ego.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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Well I must be right Obama

Post by vano7 »

Dude you got to quit drinkin . your maken no sense at all .It is not some one it is you the allmighty go back and look at your post . I don't believe you, you tell me they aren't poopypantshead . What the hell is that all about. What kind of mushrooms are you eating.You gotta quit drinken dude . Mr fatmobile I will be At my destination, while you are sucking oil and trying to run it threw the same old filter. some time, Dude you gotta leave those mushrooms alone , your usen more D then you are admitting to . YA and this ain,t no ego trip .It's keepen it simple . Simple its kinda like right , dam there goes that word right again. two words you just don't understand. Like I said dude , leave those mushrooms alone.Come back down to earth, Maybe if you cut the old oak tree down ,you will see the lite.,or just buy a chain fall and you will be back in the same boat again.Your not soposed to be blending . you are sopose to have the allmighty system. one cup.7 miles in the dead of winter and your ready to go . Ya gotta quit calling names like simpleton ,poopypantshead,it makes you sound dumb.

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Post by Fatmobile »

The name calling and lazy writing was an impersonation of you,... and I think you started to actually see what you look like from the other side of the screen.
your maken no sense at all
Ya gotta quit calling names like simpleton ,poopypantshead,it makes you sound dumb.

You are right: from this side of the screen your namecalling makes you look dumb. The mushroom comments even dumber.
...and my post still made more sense than your last one.

After all that blather you still couldn't state your goal, why you spend all this money and time putting a little vegy in your fuel and bragging about it. I now think it's possible you don't have reason/goal.
Probably don't even understand the point I just made.
I wish I could blame your behavior on mushrooms or something other than stupidity.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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Obama speaks

Post by vano7 »

The name calling and lazy wrighting . You need to look in the mirror. You made no sense at all . Ok listen I am going to tell you one more time , keep it simple. My mix is 93 % svo you must of flunk math.Stupidity seems to be right up your ally , wo there goes that word right again. I wish I could blame your behavior on mushrooms, Well if I made a post like you did you just might be able to . You made no point big zero.After all that blather you could'nt state your goal . keep it simple But I guess you do not understand that. You need to come back down to earth Mr allmighty moderator.

runnen with the big guy in the sky
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Post by Fatmobile »

I don't think there is much left to this post,.. but for you to show us the actual depths of your self-centered rudeness and stupidity.
I trust that you will give us something that will really make us pity you, even more than we already do.

Then I'll lock this thread as you have nothing educational left to offer.

I'll give you one last post to show us what a real ass you are.
'91 Golf gasser converted to a 12mm pump, M-TDI.
'84 1.6TD Rabbit with a VNT-15 turbo, still setup to run on vegetable oil.
'84 GTI with 1.7TD pistons and intercooled.
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Post by vano7 »


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Post by vano7 »

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Post by caveman »

Any information that you have given out will be discounted by your attitude. I don't even want to read about your blend , and i have over 1000 liters of good WVO to be used. I'm surprised you didn't use all caps to "tell" us about you're amazing discovery. And as an aside, i know of another so called expert on running blends in winter. he has BROKEN [yes i saw the parts] 2 IP's of his 6.9 l ford, plus he is now burning oil due to contaminated rings.
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Post by the vegenator »

i almost started watching an episode of curb your enthusiasm,

but this thread is even better!

pure entertainment.
- Mike Harpring

'85 VW Jetta NA Diesel/WVO
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