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82 diesel westy starter rebuild project w/photos

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:28 pm
by Josh
There's lots of filth in there!

And these brushes sure look pretty worn.

Plenty of filth present here as well; will get the gasoline and lint-free rag treatment as the manual suggests!

Do these teeth look alright to you? I'll disassemble a bit further and get a close-up photo.

By the way, this is the underside of my stock transmission. It sure looks like it's been leaking from the axle shaft seals for quite a while, doesn't it? It appears wet and sloppy in the pic, but in reality it's quite tough, and has built up over lots of time. I've rubbed rags on it like crazy, but it's not going to settle for anything less than a power-washing, but first I'll swap the seals!