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1.6 Cold Start

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:10 pm
by 1984george
The cable broke, so I started the Rabbit then took a screwdriver behind the injection pump and lifted up the cold start to see if that part worked. I didn't notice any difference in the way it was running or idling. Does that mean that not only the cable is broken, but the cold start itself doesn't function? How would I know and is it a big fix just curious. Luckily, he's been starting up every morning without being plugged in.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:08 am
by Fatmobile
If it's not sitting on the edge of clackity you might not notice a difference in sound.

Sometimes the engine will run rough at cold start,..
then smooth out when the cold start cable is pulled.