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Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:57 pm
by hagar
The reason I tell this tale ? ---I just found out the answer to a question that bothered me for a lot ---yeah a LOT of years.---I stood on the highway (Amager Landevej)---and saw the enormous fire in København ---during a bombing raid in 1940 or 1941 ? ---someone told me that is , the Sugar refinery burning. ---I know that SUGAR is a good fuel. ---BUT why bomb it ?---are they making explosives ? ---in 2006 I find the answer ---the British bombers missed the target ----The Diesel factory. ----yes Burmeister and Wain. . ---the Diesel capital of the WORLD- in 1940.. ----Boy oh Boy did they make DIESELS or what ? ---my small minuscule island of AMAGER --was home to so big a factory ? --it was. ----For its size that Island ---was a highly productive place ---and I was part of it.--I worked my butt off.---and exciting it was. --BUT the credit really go to the Teachers and the School system. ---and the TAX payers.---and the Preachers ? ---yes ---they were neutral ? ---do not bet on it.---Ha the preacher told us how he hid ammunition and guns in the attic. ? --that is neutral ? ----he can be my priest anytime ---and I am NOT a Christian.


Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:11 pm
by jkeiffer_gearhead

could you do me a huge favor and help save me some time and lots of expirementing by checking your timing on your engine, Please!!!!!!!

also where is your cam set since you cannot do this by ear??

I realize each one is different but from an engineering standpoint and theory certain perameters and settings wil provide optimal performance or milage and such. that is why I keep asking for the timing, and i figured as quick and easy (due to expirience) as things take you to do on these vw diesels that it wouldnt take long to check your timing sometime

Thanks a lot,
Justin Keiffer

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:41 pm
by tadleyjane
Patience.... I am loving the saga as it develops. During my time in the Service I have worked with many Europeans. The trip can be as splendid as arriving at the destination. Besides, you're still getting at least 40mpg? Hang in there and i am certain we will get all our questions answered and then some. Hagar, thank you for sharing experiences in the first person that many of us have only read about in history books. It should make us all more aware of and thankful for where we are at in this world. This from a humble Veteran of our most recent two Desert Campaigns..... regards, Tad

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:42 pm
by hagar
Gearhead and ALL of you can count on me --BUT I am a medical disaster case ---I die today or tomorrow ? ----you know ? you got to go ? --EH ?

I use the the Cam timing at VW specks.---straight across.-----BUT I will adjust cam timing --if necessary to get to 100 miles on a gallon Imp this year if necessary---Beliive me the SMILEAGE is more in the PUMP and Nozzles.---and yes I am shooting for 120 miles on a gallon IMP ---just for the FUN..

Will I make 120 ? ---do NOT bet against me. ----but of course --that kind of TUNING is NO good for bread and butter driving.-----70 miles a gallon is. --- 51 miles on a gallon is SMILEAGE territory ?---With a Rabbit ? if you can not get that ? you are NOT TUNING..


Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:22 pm
by hagar
Gearhead and ALL --TUNING is not that simple ---- I can tell you all what Bunny Bondo is TIMED at ---BUT it is useless information.---every adjustment is MINUTE-----and I mean small. ----so small that Bondos adjustment will NOT do for your Rabbit.---trust me.----Ask Andrew in Flagstaff ---about TUNING a Guitar ---tricky stuff ? eh ?. ----Tuned right ? and you might make MUSIC ?--EH ?. Ask Isak Pearlman about TUNING- ---he will tell you. TUNING of a Rabbit is that critical----if you want ----REAL Smileage.

Does a tenth of degree make a difference ? ---a fraction makes a difference.---trust me..--- anyway Bonny Bondos PUMP is set at absolutely the most retarded position----if you advance pump ?---yes you will get more power and Smileage.----with more cylinder pressure --and strain on crank----good Idea ? -- NOT for a Rabbit.----IMHO.

IMHO a good HP maximum for a 1.6 L turbo Rabbit ? in ECO mode --about 50.? ----yes that means a LOT of shifting......and I do NOT mind.------ DO you ? .

Old guy Old Rabbit.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:02 am
by hagar
I found that I can change a PUMP in about 30 minutes. ---I never take off the line dampers --the four lines can be removed as a unit.

To test that ,ORIFICE is OK ? --- I blow ---simple. --I make sure that cindered filter in banjo bolt is not plugged.---Never run in to a plugged one so far----and that is a LOT of pumps. "Smileage" ? why smileage ? --look at your TV----and you will hear a lot of NONSENSE about supply and demand ---that is garbage.----GREED and what the market will bear -- rules IMHO.

3 or 4 dollars for a gallon ? ---diesel car sales surge ? ----hagar knows WHY.---but please do not ask him ---or he starts another SAGA. Heavens forbid.
A 1984 VW Diesel that drives circles around 2006 ALL 2006 cars made in Amerika ? THINK.? EH?
I will stack up Bunny Bondo --anytime ---on Smileage alone.----IF we include cost to drive a mile ? ---Bunny gets the GOLD medal.--any time. Buy a PRIUS ` ??? IMHO you were fooled.

Do I hagar support BIG OIL ? and BIG Nukes ? and BIG Dams ? and BIG Coal ? and BIG farms ? ----I do I do I do----why ? Economics of scale.---- How's about BIG GOVERNMENT ? YES.----

BOY OH BOY now we have Hybrid -Hate --in Kalifornia ---??? how sick can you get ????.
do NOT answer that.


PS : yes trim the PORK from Big Government. ---be BRUTAL.--more on that later.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:31 am
by finnbulli

"Pressure being op to spec --does NOT guarantee that roller ring will turn --it could be stuck. OK ? so more testing will be done later... using a transducer. and timing light."

Could you please describe how do you do this test.


Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:29 pm
by hagar
at is FIRST thing I do ? ---ah I clean the pump inside and OUT. ---on a Rabbit.---a clean PUMP ? is important ? --very. -- so ? I use things like Diesel Purge-----and Kerosene. ---and the Wife's electric toothbrush--- if that's what it takes. -- NOTHING is off the Table ?--OK ?. ----But high pressure air sure works on the outside.
My air ? ---about 300 psi----that gets the dirt.---trust me.


PS : if your pump is STICKY ?---you got problems ? --EH ?--bet yor BUTTS.

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:16 pm
by hagar
Finnbully and ALL ---you will NEVER do the Timing light test ----OK ? ---that is for FANATICS only----like hagar.-----BUT if you want to know ? ---NO problemo--- I say --get another pump. ---they are DIRT cheap. ----

On a gasser ? if yes you fire the plug too early ? --you got problems.? ---on a Diesel ? you inject too early ? NO PROBLEMO.----Ignition is related to pressure in cylinder---? EH ?.----SO ? well under "Hillbilly TUNING" ---so little fuel is injected ----that it is no problem. --- Ignition takes place at the same angle --before TDC ---NO Matter what.----think TEMPERATURE. ---And THAT is why the Diesels got the Gassers by the BUTT. ---A gasser will NOT ignite at Super lean ---a Diesel WILL.---trust me.


PS : now this is just plain FUN. ?--eh ?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:40 pm
by finnbulli

“Could you please describe how do you do this control.â€

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:28 pm
by hagar
Shanghai --Express ---`?--powered by a Dansk diesel ? ---check it out.--EH ?-----when we
can park a Rabbit on top of a Piston ? is that a BIG diesel or what ?---
BUT --Bunny Bondo ---is so Smoooooooth ---it is ridiculous. ----and that is due to TUNING---trust me.---- Nothing will move that Control Collar ----like the Governor.----that is your answer to REAL SMILEAGE.--- (well part of it?)
.-----your foot will never do it that Smooooooth.----I drive her many times every day ----and FUN it is. ---some of you guys print what cars you own---I do not ---? I have so many that this place looks like a junk yard.----no problemo ---lots of room.

70 MPG Imp looks pretty good today ? EH ?-----you better say yes. ---- and from an OLD girl ? like Bondo ? ---at 260 000 plus KM on the clock. ---I would give anything to TUNE her from day one.

Men --would that be FUN --EH ?.---


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:50 am
by addautomotive
Favorite diesel thread..... EVER

Hagar, you are the best crazy old uncle I ever had.

Old guy Old Rasbbit .

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:40 pm
by hagar
I blush


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:23 am
by CoolAirVw
Howz 'bout an explanation of the pictures Coke posted? If your oil is as clean as you say, I want to Hillbilly tune "The Chick Magnet" (my car)

Old guy Old Rabbit .

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:42 pm
by hagar
Saga ? Viking Sagas ? ---look it up --they are NOT --instructions for Occupying ---England or North Amerika or conquering the WORLD. ---likewise this posting is --a HISTORY --lecture. ---BUT if the Sagas---- writer is still around ? why not ask EH ?.--I am still kicking.---and if I am kicking ? nothing will stop me from telling you.---If a NON mechanic ,(like me) winds up being GOOD at tuning Rabbit-Diesels ? ?---there has to be an explanation ?.--And it all started in 1945 (ok 1932) (on Amager) ---I made Horseshoes ---metal working eh ? I liked that ---yes I learned to WELD steel --without welding equipment----the Joyrneman shoved me HOW ---I think he liked me.---The day I had to hammer those BIG nails in the foot of the BIGGEST horse I ever saw ?---Arnold thinks his muscles are something ? ---NOTHING compared to this Lady's hind legs.---trust me.-- Why so strong ? 5 years of --NO Oil.---pulling a plow is a walk in the park ? --all day at that.--not on Amagar it was---Cuelty to animals IMHO.

The Nailing ? yeah that did it.----I would rather pull wires. (electrical).so I quit.

So you think that the Wehrmacht moved --in Kubelwagens and Panzer and by air ? or by rail ? you are dead wrong.-----I was there ---it was Horses and Bicycles and WALKING----- and mostly WALKING. --
Could they WALK or what ?.---IMHO ---nobody in the world --could walk better than the 1940.---yes I know about the long march in Kina.---they were not that good.---BUT lets give them credit ?--EH ? they were good.

Now you know that I am LEFT of center.? EH ?.(but not much)
Now did that Lady got good feed ? ---yes --illegal food ---sort of like driving a Rabbit on colored diesel.---Danish Horses ---just LOVED RYE BREAD---it was Tax free by Law.(and the owner liked it)--do I hagar like it ? ----the greatest loaf of bread EVER--- yeah Pumpernickel.---sissies eat French Bread.---and hagar was NEVER a sissie.
