Let's see if I can do a little bit a recapping.. I'll try not to be too long winded.. I already posted some of this before..
My first car when I turned 16 was an '80 Diesel Rabbit, it was 4 door, yellow, and it was only 13 years old (I'm 33, don't think too hard trying to figure that out hehehe..). I got it from my father who had planned to use it for commuting but couldn't because of the dreaded runaway problem with blowby. I solved that with a downdraft tube and drove it for a few months. It overheated all the time, but never let me down. I always had it stuffed full of my friends, barely pulling hills in 2nd gear (it was a 4 speed), and I never got less than 36mpg out of the poor worn out thing.
But this project thread isn't about that car, I just wanted to give some back story on my history with diesel rabbits. As for Rabbits, I've also owned an 83 GTi, about a year after that first one. The brakes failed one day and I crashed that poor car. and 3 years after that I had a gasser with an automatic for awhile, the auto didn't last long so I got rid of it. About 7 years ago I had an '84 Cabriolet with a gas motor that I MegaSquirtted. The motor in that hemoraged oil faster than I could pour it in, unfortunately. I almost swapped a 2.0 into it, but moved on before I got around to it.
Ok ok, that's the end of my backstory.. So about this Rabbit.. I bought it from an old guy, who said he bought it from a really old guy several years earlier. It seemed to be in very very good condition, and I paid quite a bit for it. I had to drive about 60 miles to get it home, I made it about 30 before it started starving for fuel on the freeway. I ran and bought a gallon of diesel and put that in the tank and made it about 500 feet farther down the freeway. Some quick googling on my phone told me that the fuel filter in the tank was probably clogged, so I simply had the car towed the rest of the way home.
Next day comes and I find that the in-tank filter is in the trunk with the spare tire, rather than in the tank. The tank has something in it, it's very full, but I don't think I'd call it diesel. I go under the car to drain the tank and find someone has taken a 3/8" fuel line and forced it onto the 13mm fitting on the tank, and clamped the snot out of it to fit onto the 5/16" hardline. It's also kinked pretty bad. While I'm under there I notice two kind of clean, damp spots on the bottom of the tank. I poke at one of them and it starts dripping. I rub at it and the epoxy falls off and I find what looks like a nice clean hole from about a 1/8" drillbit, which is now leaking profusely. I grab an oil drain pan, and a gas can. I unhook the fuel line and start draining the tank into the gas can (had to jack the car up to do this). While draining the tank, I notice all sorts of debris (fungus) coming out with the fuel.
At that point I realized I HAD to replace the tank. I looked around at the local parts store's websites.. Then I checked eBay.. I eventually went with one from eBay, the local parts stores had to order it anyways, might as well order it myself, plus I saved nearly $80+, got the tank for $100 shipped or something like that.
Anyone that's removed a tank from one of these things knows it's a hell of an adventure. This thing is completely rust free, so I had that going for me, but I still had to drop the rear axles, and cut the exhaust system off to get them out of the way of the tank. Even then it took some fighting to get the tank out from under the car.
When I put the new tank in, I had to weld the exhaust system back into one piece (I had cut it in two places). To fix the fuel line problem, I picked up some hose barbs at the hardware store. One was 1/2" barb to 1/4" female NPT, the other was 5/16" barb to 1/4" male NPT, threaded together, they made a nice adapter for the tank to the hardline.
I chose not to put ANY of the old fuel into the tank. I didn't trust it, and didn't want to re-introduce any of that fungus into my brand new fuel tank.
The new tank doesn't have a spot for the in-tank filter, so it didn't get it. Oh well, I guess. I put a fresh filter under the hood.
Oh yeah, while I had the car up in the air for a few days waiting for the new tank to arrive, I pulled off the horribly dry rotted tires and had them replaced. The date code on them was from 1990! I had nice new 155/13's put on. I also installed new speakers and a modern stereo while I was killing time. It's got a real nice Sony with bluetooth and iPhone direct connection interface now.

Anyways, I'll post more later. That probably covers the first leg of my adventure..